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Minggu, 25 Juni 2017

Tugas 4 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

1.      Contoh kalimat Tenses
·         Simple present tense
(+) She always washes her face before going to bed
(-)  I don’t know why you make me cry.
(?) Do you never drinks coffee?
·         Simple past tense
(+) She crossed over the bridge by motorcycle last night.
(-)She did not go to school yesterday because since three days ago she has been sick.
(?) Why did you come home so late?
·         Simple future tense
(+) We shall go together
(-) We shan't go together
(?)  Shall we go together?
·         Past continuous tense
(+) I was sleeping when the car crashed my home last night.
(-) I was not printing the task when the class begun
(?) Were you still studying in Oxford University last year?
·         Past Perfect Tense
(+) They had gone there before.
(-) They had not gone there before.
(?) Had they gone there before?

2.      Contoh Active /  Passive
·         Active voice
He will meet them tomorrow
She would have watered this plant
He would have met them
·         Passive voice
They had been met by him before I came 
This plant would have been watered by her
They would have been met by him 

3.      Contoh Degree of comparison
·         Positive degree
This Television is big.
Dina is as fat as me
Boy is an intelligent boy.
·         Comparative
That girl is higher than this girl. 
Mr. Dany is taller than Mr. Kim.
This box is bigger than that.
·         Superlative
Joko is the most diligent student in this class.
Angel is the shortest student in this class.

That girl is the most beautiful one in this class.  

4.      Contoh Direct speech - indirect speech
·         Direct speech
They said, “We are going to beach tomorrow”
She said, “I am sad now”
I said, “John has been waiting for you since two hours”
·         Indirect speech
They said that they were going to beach the following day.
She said that she was sad then.
I said that John had been waiting for you for two hours.
5.      If Clause
·         Type 1
If it rains, it’s good for the garden.
If I eat too many sweets, I put on weight.
·         Type 2
If I woke up at nine am, I’d be late for work.
If I entered the competition, I wouldn’t do very well
·         Type 3
If it’d been sunny yesterday, we would’ve gone to the beach.
If I’d told you about Chantal, you wouldn’t have believed me.

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